How to get a top ranking in google search?

How to get a top ranking in google search?

Search engine is a powerful tool to drive-in traffic to websites. Search engines crawl the web, determining which pages are the most useful and relevant for its users. Getting listed in top is significantly important because users tend to click the websites ranked in the first page. The CTR click through rates for top listed and the bottom listed is significantly different. That’s where SEO comes into play.

It’s a general practice for theĀ  buyers to use the search engine to check the information about the products, reviews etc on the internet even if they want to purchase offline. If we want to drive valuable search traffic and direct them to the website, there is a lot of work to be done. We have to build a solid strategy, execute it effectively and consistently, and keep up with the changing algorithms of the search engine. To get listed organically in a search engine the following steps should be done.

  • Identify your keywords you want to compete for.
  • Optimise your website for your keywords.
  • Develop content for the keywords chosen.
  • Keep adding content by creating Blog
  • Emphasise your location
  • Plan strategically to build backlinks
  • Strategically analyse and regularly update your website

SEO is a continuous process because we need to maintain the website for changing algorithms, and the competitions in the market to have a better user experience. We need to follow the metrics to analyse, strategically plan and execute for the non-performing keywords again and again. There are web analytics tools like Google analytics by which we can analyse the performance of the website. Based on that, we should plan the strategies to be implemented in the website to maximise the results.

For a particular keyword search, google lists the paid advertisements first, then comes the map, questions & answer section and then the organic search. The best part is a properly created website with unique content gets listed on top in local search. This is totally free in Google. This is a big opportunity for small business owners to rank high in search results.

Consistency is the key to success

SEO is a continuous process to get listed on top of search. Search Engines generally keep on changing algorithms in order to give the best right answer to the user. To improve the user experience in the search engine, they regularly update algorithms based on the user trends. However the basics don’t change. The basics like quality content, technical quality of the website, backlinks, etc., don’t change. So, consistently websites should be updated with unique quality content. Backlinks should be built continuously. Technical performance of the website should be monitored regularly. Get listed in google local business by updating the content, getting more reviews, and building links to the pages.

Other than organic methods, PPC – Pay per click is one another way to get listed on top. Paid promotions in Google gets the website listed on top based on the highest bid.